Ernest Saves Christmas
Ernest Saves Christmas stars Jim Varney as Ernest P. Worrell, a bumbling hero who finds himself involved with none other than Father Christmas himself, Santa Claus. The current Santa is running low on the magic of Christmas, and the only way to renew it is to pass the tradition on to another person. Check out the clips of these 1988 comedy film.
by Beng Dy - 13 tracks
Failure to accumulate
Channel Number 5
Bolt cutters
End of Christmas
Fast lane
One with the Magic
Personal holiday
The Claus
Time and travel
Ugly scene

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Ernest Saves Christmas stars Jim Varney as Ernest P. Worrell, a bumbling hero who finds himself involved with none other than Father Christmas himself, Santa Claus. The current Santa is running low on the magic of Christmas, and the only way to renew it is to pass the tradition on to another person. Check out the clips of these 1988 comedy film.
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