Female Voice Over Talent
Acting, while using only your voice to convey the meaning of a performance, is one of the most challenging professions in the arts. Here are some female voice over talent for corporate videos, on-line courses, or other projects requiring a pleasant, and friendly voice.
by Beng Dy - 24 tracks
Shirley Dalmas- Caring
Shirley Dalmas- Friendly
Shirley Dalmas- Kooky
Alex Dahm- Friendly genuine
Alex Dahm- High energy
Alex Dahm- Smoothmellow
Gigi Young- Attitude
Gigi Young- Crazies
Gigi Young- Friendly
Jo Ellen Anklam- High energy
Jo Ellen Anklam- Upbeat
Jo Ellen Anmklam- Softspoken
Kristi Michael - Friendly genuine
Kristi Michael- Crazies
Kristi Michael- Sexy
Nikki Reed- Sexy
Nikki Reed- Smooth
Nikki Reed- Softspoken
Stephanie Thomas- Attitude
Stephanie Thomas- Cartoon
Stephanie Thomas- Romantic
Vita Corimbi- Caring
Vita Corimbi- Executives
Vita Corimbi- Perky

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Acting, while using only your voice to convey the meaning of a performance, is one of the most challenging professions in the arts. Here are some female voice over talent for corporate videos, on-line courses, or other projects requiring a pleasant, and friendly voice.
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