by Jason Booth - 40 tracks
Hello Im Robert Goulet
Do you smell anything ?
Check out the jams
Hello Johnny
Dabba Dee
Ask Merv Griffin
but I cant resist
Do you like good music ?
I can't
I have'nt even warmed up
I know, too inside
I know what your thinking
I'm not afriad to admit it
It's a cocktail
It's a wrap
It's called the coconut bangers ball
It's just me out there
Check out the cd
Love it when you call me big poppa
Mmm Goulet
Never held back my fists
Oh Yeah
That ain't the dealio
That's what made me a rebel
These dogs got chops
This one's called
Throw your hand's in the air
Theres no law
Wait a darn minute
What you get
When a proffesional gets
Would you be interested
Alfa Romeo vroooom !
You would'nt hire a clown
I'm not afraid to slap around

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Boards form Jason Booth
This board is loaded up with short soundbytes of Will Ferrell being Robert Goulet. For those of you who liked to phone prank your friends, welcome to lounge lizard nirvana.
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