Fighting Talk Sound Effects (by Adam Diouri)

(Almost) all of the sound effects, music and other stuff which is played by Colin on the popular BBC Radio 5live panel show, Fighting Talk. #NOTE# This soundboard is just a fan based thing, lovingly ripped off for fans of FT- so it isn't endorsed by the BBC, FT or anyone. So don't try and flog it or anything like that- or I'll break your legs! ;)

Category: Radio   Tracks: 0   Views: 15487  

Boards form Adam Diouri
Adam Diouri

(Almost) all of the sound effects, music and other stuff which is played by Colin on the popular BBC Radio 5live panel show, Fighting Talk. #NOTE# This soundboard is just a fan based thing, lovingly ripped off for fans of FT- so it isn't endorsed by the BBC, FT or anyone. So don't try and flog it or anything like that- or I'll break your legs! ;)

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