by Flavor Flav - 23 tracks
Ha Ha
This is Flavor Flav
Chuck D on Flavor Flav
Busts Toasty For Porn
Get your hands out of there
Shows clock 2 old lady-London 1987
Your mothers so ugly
Your mothers so old
Best sexual experience
Black Hugh Hefner
Storytime 2
Storytime 3
Dont wanna be with
But I like who you are
Aint nuthin better than sex
Ever had a threesome
Ha ha flavor flav
Holld up wheres the love
Rock that homee
Stop being a flavor hater
You busted your first nut

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Rapper Flavor Flav of Public Enemy legend, delivers. From oldschool rap with a message, to outlandish pimp with a heart it's all Flav!
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