The Fonz Soundboard
Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli, popularly known as The Fonz or simply Fonzie, was the cool cat on the tv show Happy Days. Henry Winkler played him to the hilt with scenes like the epic battle: Fonz vs. Mork and jumping the Shark on waterskies. Aaay !
by Jason Booth - 27 tracks
Perfect as Usual
You Wanna Rumble ?
FONZ vs Mork from Ork
Hey Hey Hey
Fonzie jumps the shark
Henry Winkler Interview
Get through me first
The Honk - PSA
Live Fast
Finger Packing
Fonz gets Mork a date
You Win
Happy Days Theme Song
Somethin' important
Physical Pleasure
Talk about Kissing
Dirty Business
Fonz Honks
True Friend
Wait a minute
What is goin on here?
Maybe we can work this out
Cant put finger on it
Anything you say Jack

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Boards form Jason Booth
Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli, popularly known as The Fonz or simply Fonzie, was the cool cat on the tv show Happy Days. Henry Winkler played him to the hilt with scenes like the epic battle: Fonz vs. Mork and jumping the Shark on waterskies. Aaay !
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