Fox Sounds
A fox is a medium sized canine with a bushy tail. By far the most common of the 27 species is the red fox, although some foxes can live in the arctic. Foxes have a kind of conversation that includes Gekkering, Barking, purring, and wailing.
by Jason Booth - 20 tracks Full Board $4.99
red fox yips
Sad red fox kit
Lone fox calling for a mate
Beautiful howl-like crying
purring sounds
Barking from a distance
Strange haunting sound with birds
Fox calling out
strange fox sound
fox distress call
fox kits playing
mating call
red fox
short fox yip
Young fox crying
Is this a red fox?
Boards form Jason Booth
A fox is a medium sized canine with a bushy tail. By far the most common of the 27 species is the red fox, although some foxes can live in the arctic. Foxes have a kind of conversation that includes Gekkering, Barking, purring, and wailing.
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The Ki Chain • 8 years ago -
These are great - foxes are awesome! ?