by Jeff Smith - 74 tracks
Alright, let's go
Are we under attack?
Aww crap
Bad area round here
Can't stand it, going to pass out
Clever disguise
Damn, son. Where'd you find this?
Did dis dude just did this?
Feel like I've been shot at and missed, sh*t at and hit
Gimme, gimme!
Great galaxies, what are those weird things?
Hahaha that tickles
How are my people
How many people have you killed?
How rude!
I could probably teach you a few things
I don't have anything to add to that
I feel happy
I gave him two good whacks, damn near took his head off
I hate you
I think I shall come down
I think the phrase rhymes with 'clucking bell'
I think the plant lady's wearing a thong
I want to see your t*ts, my dear
I will slaughter them
If I touch you, it's going to be most unpleasant
I'm an ideas man
I'm fairly alarmed
I'm not dead
It's absolutely hideous
It's cool
It's for you
I've got stuff
Just a broken down hobo that's hit rock bottom
Just let me work for a little food
Less talk and more action
Let's get out of here
Let's not bicker about who killed who
Look at the muscularity
Looks like meat is back on the menu
Lot of mean people. Lot of nutters.
Message for you sir
No hurry, take your time
Now it's your turn
Now, who's feeling talky
Ooooh yeah can do!
Power, athletecisim, anger
Silly old bear
Sometimes I'm nice, sometimes nasty
Start running
That was a bad time for you, wasn't it boy?
Think think think
This Godzilla is Unfriendly
To the bird lair!
Very clever, you muscle bound moron
We have found a witch
We're friends
Well, it's big and terrible
Well? Spit it out!
We've all got that evil spot somewhere
What a move
What a strange person
What kind of place is this?
What do you want me to say?
What would you do with a brain if you had one?
X-Files Theme
Xena's warcry
Yes oh God yes
You better run, boy
You mean the guy we're meeting with can't even grow his own hair
You're on the team
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