They tried and heavy metal will never be repeated. It's all in a person's attitude/heart. Most bands today sound like they recorded in the same studio / producer. Who cares? ME. OZ and BULLDOZER do not fit in that list. PC ruined it in my eyes. People love to back-stab and blame someone else. FOAD with your LIES. So called......

Category: My Music   Tracks: 0   Views: 3098  

Boards form Jason Myers
Jason Myers

They tried and heavy metal will never be repeated. It's all in a person's attitude/heart. Most bands today sound like they recorded in the same studio / producer. Who cares? ME. OZ and BULLDOZER do not fit in that list. PC ruined it in my eyes. People love to back-stab and blame someone else. FOAD with your LIES. So called......

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