General Grievous - Star Wars
General Grievous, is a brilliant strategist unhindered by compassion or scruples. His lightning strikes and effective campaigns caused his reputation to grow in the eyes of a frightened Republic. A pressurized gut-sack held his vital organs, while his skull-like mask contained his living eyes and brain.
by ED - Jason Booth - 19 tracks Full Board $4.99
Jedi scum
You will be sorry
You are doomed
Abandon ship
Activate shields
Ahh, yes
Back away
Crush them
General Grievous dies
Prepare to attack
Waiting for you
What's the situation
You fool

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Boards form ED - Jason Booth
General Grievous, is a brilliant strategist unhindered by compassion or scruples. His lightning strikes and effective campaigns caused his reputation to grow in the eyes of a frightened Republic. A pressurized gut-sack held his vital organs, while his skull-like mask contained his living eyes and brain.
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