by Jason Booth - 12 tracks Full Board $4.99
Nomination Acceptance Speech (clip) - 1988
Read My Lips - 1998 Pres. Campaign
Willy Horton - Bush Ad Campaign
Prudent man
The world trusts us with power
God Bless the USA
As Dana Carvey would say
Bush vs. Clinton Debate - Waffle House
Bush Invasion of Iraq (clip) - 1991
Invasion of Iraq - Saddam WMDs
New World Order - 1991
Invasion of Panama and Noriega - 1989

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Boards form Jason Booth
A historical collection of audio clips from George H. W. Bush Senior, a Texas republican who became the Director of the CIA 1976 to 1977, a vice president, and later the 41rst President of the United States from 1989 to 1993.
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