George Takei Prank Board
George Takei is a Japanese American actor known for his role Hikaru Sulu from the classic Star Trek tv show. His first acting jobs was as a voice artist, he dubbed English dialog for adult characters in Japanese films being released in the US.
by Penny Modesto - 20 tracks
Nice muscles
Captain Sulu from star trek
Do you eat them?
Capital punishment
Coming at you
What are you doing?
Yes what
Private parts
Ok fine
Never heard
Molesters and killers
Lookin' forward
I love Star Trek
George Takei calls a Redneck
George Takei calls a Deli

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Boards form Penny Modesto
George Takei is a Japanese American actor known for his role Hikaru Sulu from the classic Star Trek tv show. His first acting jobs was as a voice artist, he dubbed English dialog for adult characters in Japanese films being released in the US.
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