by Hambro - 71 tracks
You're a real sob
u mad bro
What a disgrace
What are you talking about
What's going on
What's that
Who is this
You got the AIDS
You know it and I know it
You're a fruity ass
Shove it up your ass
Shut up! That's it! Enough!
Shut your salmon hole
Spermy the Cat
Squeal like a pig
Stop deep throating the phone
Walk around with my strap on
That better not be true Nikolai
TX sucks the chrome off a 57 Chevy
Melting pot of friendship
Mug rannys a tranny
Next subject matter
No it's not
Now what did you say again
Plasma grenade
Poop Tickler Jr
Princess Celestia
Princess Luna
Is this for real?
I've been saying this for years
Jacob Ross
Jesus Christ is this Nikolai?
John Conquest
lol wooo
Major fail
Man this is horrible
How's it going?
How's it going? 2
I cannot believe this crap
I didn't even understand that
I don't have patience and time
I want me some of that
I want my shrimp back
I'm a coroner
I'm some kind of a racist bastard
Chew on a bean and cheese
Dont' talk about mah granneh
eff you
Epic fail bro
Gimme my drink
Go ahead
Go back in the kitchen
Goddamn it I never said that
Good to hear from ya
Are we gonna start this?
Are you kidding me?
Awww you don't like that
Britannia for ghost
Back in the kitchen
Battletoads sucks
Serious as a heart attack
Call me from someplace else
Cancer of the cock
cans dot wave

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Various voice clips of Ghost from True Capitalist Radio
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