The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
An entertaining horror spoof of a more innocent time. Good chills and comedy blended together make this film great. This picture, along with the rest of the Knotts Universal contract form an amazing comic vision of Americana. This is a 1966 comedy classic, and a family film in the best sense of the word.
by Penny Modesto - 20 tracks
Calm and murder
Mr. Boob
Atta boy
It was terrible
Trying to scare me
Dead body
Don't believe in ghosts
Goodmorning Alma
Don't panic
Don't touch anything
Just me myself and I
Murder House
Shouldn't laugh
Sorry I'm late
Taro Karo Solomon
Want this drunk
Whispering Steeple
Cosmic importance

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Boards form Penny Modesto
An entertaining horror spoof of a more innocent time. Good chills and comedy blended together make this film great. This picture, along with the rest of the Knotts Universal contract form an amazing comic vision of Americana. This is a 1966 comedy classic, and a family film in the best sense of the word.
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