Guitar Queer-o episode - South Park
Guitar Queer-o is the 1113 episode of South Park. Obsessed with the Guitar Hero video game, Stan and Kyle make a great team and score record points when they play. Stan realizes he has the potential for enormous success if he plays with another partner, but quickly folds under the pressure of being a rockstar.
by Beng Dy - 17 tracks
Stan and Kyle playing Guitar Hero
Randy Marsh playing a guitar and sings
Heroine hero
It's guitar hero
1 year deal
Are you playing heroine hero
Guitar hero is stressing
Randy played guitar hero
Real guitars are for old people
Stan and Kyle broke up
Stan and Kyle rock stars
Stan better than Kyle
Stan grouchy
Stan is high
Talent agency
This game rules
Video game
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Boards form Beng Dy
Guitar Queer-o is the 1113 episode of South Park. Obsessed with the Guitar Hero video game, Stan and Kyle make a great team and score record points when they play. Stan realizes he has the potential for enormous success if he plays with another partner, but quickly folds under the pressure of being a rockstar.
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