Hammond B3 Organ
The B3 is probably the best-known Hammond model introduced in 1955. It is an electromechanical rather than electronic instrument, with closer technological ties to an electric guitar than an electronic synthesizer. Artists such as James Brown, Billy Preston, and Jimmy Smith brought the Hammond to a wider public and made it part of popular music.
by Eve Dy - 15 tracks
The infamous B3 wipe
Tremolo Settings
C chord played in tremelo mode
Draw Bar Settings
Hammond B3 sample 1
Hammond B3 sample 2
Hammond B3 sample 3
Hammond B3 sample 4
Hammond B3 sample 5
Hammond B3 sample 6
Jimmy Smith on Hammond B3
Billy Preston - Summertime
Amazing Grace Joey Britton
Georgia On My Mind

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Boards form Eve Dy
The B3 is probably the best-known Hammond model introduced in 1955. It is an electromechanical rather than electronic instrument, with closer technological ties to an electric guitar than an electronic synthesizer. Artists such as James Brown, Billy Preston, and Jimmy Smith brought the Hammond to a wider public and made it part of popular music.
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