Vietnam War Radio - 1966
The time is 1966, the place Vietnam. Information flowed to U.S. Soldiers from two radio sources, the U.S Armed forces radio & Hanoi Hannah broadcasts from the enemy over loudspeakers and pocket radios. Listen to what the soldiers heard yourself.
by Jason Booth - 8 tracks Full Board $4.99
Hanoi Hannah - N. Vietnamese
Loudspeaker Near Fort Riley - N. Viet
To New Troops - N. Viet
Harbor Bomb - U.S.
Grenade Attack - U.S.
News About the War - N. Viet
U.S. Gen. Westmoreland Interview
How are you GI Joe ? - N. Viet
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Boards form Jason Booth
The time is 1966, the place Vietnam. Information flowed to U.S. Soldiers from two radio sources, the U.S Armed forces radio & Hanoi Hannah broadcasts from the enemy over loudspeakers and pocket radios. Listen to what the soldiers heard yourself.
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