by Name - 507 tracks
All Hats- El-a-va-tor OOOoooOOOoh
All Hats- Mama Mia Explicit Parody
All Hats- Moaning noises
All Hats- Never Forget where you're comming from Mini Song
All Hats-Just the two of us mini song
All Hats-My Ding-a-ling mini song
Smith-You've got a penis like a wooden tent pole
All Hats-My Ding-a-ling mini song
Ross-He's watching from above like a sneaky pervert
Smith-Backdoor Bandit
Smith-Not me
AllHats-Gold Star
AllHats-We're gonna blow up, you're gonna blow up
Ross-Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, take a switchblade to your SPINE
Ross-Get In
RossSmith-You spin me right round mini song
Smith-If any of you have got any porn, that'd be nice
Smith-Making the clutch play
Smith-Moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips
Smith-Post Intercourse Pissing
Smith-Ross Likes Busch
Trott-Go On Punish Me
AllHats- Lord of the Star Wars Song
Ross- You are a mothafucka
Ross-I'm going to drive this ship into a fucking Ice berg LETS DO THIS
Ross-John Cena Tune
Ross-Niesh Meme
Ross-Put that cookie down
RossSmith- You raise me up (mini song)
Ross-Well there we go
Smith- We need to try to eat these stormtrooper's dicks
Smith-Boy, get in that hole
Smith-Farting noise
Smith-I'm going to touch you guys inappropriately
Smith-Jetpack Prick
Smith-John Cena
Smith-Mr.Wayne, I may be your butler, but I am NOT your whore
Smith-Oh no NO
Smith-Shut up you dillholes
Smith-That was an error on my part
SmithTrott-Hey christmas tree
Trott-Bye everybody
Trott-Don't vorry guysh
Trott-I think Hitachi made it
Trott-Jetpack Prick
Trott-Skunk Shit on my face
Trott-Wha What the fucccccck
AllHats- Ross and Trott screaming while Smith laughs
AllHats-Trott screaming
Ross-Birds eye bitch
Ross-Horse noises
RossSmith-Knock Knock Daddy Cool
Ross-Stop flashing me
Smith-Sunshine lollipops and rainbows
Trott-Evil laughing, HELLO
Trott-I'm going away from you, fuck you
Trott-My heart is racing I don't like it
Trott-No banging in the dark
Trott-Standing by
Trott-Strictly no flashlights thank you
Trott-We're gonna give you a blumpkin
Trott-Smack his tiny ween
Ross-Stop buggaring me, you ho ho ho
Trott-Disingenuous Laugh
Ross- A good day and welcome
Smith-Put that cookie down
Trott-Drop it like it's hot
Trott-Pummel his tiny ween with your leather face
AllHats- Awkward LaughScreams
Smith-Give me your trousers
Ross- You guys are here now and that's all that matters
Ross-Shame shame shame
Ross-Shut up and take my money
RossSmith-Oh nooo daddy
Ross-You silly bellend
Smith- Do you want to skin a Salmon (song)
Smith-Are you in there Knock knock bitch
Smith-Everyone's a Criminal
Smith-Sound like she didn't get what she wanted trott
Trott-Fair Play
Trott-Short scream
Trott-Well thats your own fault
AllHats-Happy Birthday Zedzees song
AllHats-Never Visit Texas Song
AllHats-Rolling- A Spoken word song
Ross- Damnit Rosh (He mispronounced his name)
Ross-And then Trott can be drowning here in this river in the middle
Ross-Dragon Dildooooo
Ross-Give me your CASH
Ross-I don't want to
Ross-I'mmmmmmm a call of duty scrublord
Ross-I've done penis' in the past
Ross-Oh I'm so baffled, what do I do
Ross-Ohh I like making little curves, oh nipples at the end
Ross-Salmon Boiiiii
Ross-Will you marry me 2
Ross-Will You Marry Me
Ross-You know I'll do all sorts of guys
SlugLord-You're a fucking little prick
Smith Eugheugheugh
Smith-Colin needs to shut the fuck up
Smith-Everybody in shitsville is sick
Smith-I think it might be the sex toys
Smith-I'll get him when he comes back in
Smith-I'll have to punch him twice as hard because he'll have an empty baldder
Smith-I'm not a fucking russian spy
Smith-I've done seven nights on the trott
Smith-I've just buried some people alive
Smith-One day, I will BANG you
SmithSee his little weiner peeking out from under the bubbles
Smith-What can I do to make you love me
Smith-Wouldn't mind looking at your kink
Smith-You come past my desk and i'll punch you right in the bladder
Trott- Alllll the mouths of the salmon are dirty as shit
Trott-Geese Noises
Trott-Happy Birthday
Trott-He's got a real dirty Salmon mouth
Trott-I hate Ross
Trott-I need a wee REAL bad
Trott-I'm gobblin down this yogurt
Trott-It's because I sell my body for cash
Trott-Kill Me
Trott-Oh we got a sad salmon on our hands
Trott-People be commitin crimes
TrottRoss-Airhorn noises
Trott-Salmon Boy
Trott-Wubba lubba dub dub
Trott-You're all great
AllHats-Move On Song
Ross- Actual Hell
Ross-Hate you guys
Ross-I'm learning
Ross-My woody
Ross-Oh I can't belive you did that its amazing
Ross-Smith, do you ejaculate salt
Ross-Think I'll squeeze these dangly things here
RossTrott-How much banging will there be, LOTS
Ross-You're screwed son
SlugLord-Using a dildo and shoving it up your ass every night
Smith- I'm gonna write hello with my own feces on the wall
Smith-And we wanted to play with Balloons more
Smith-Big ole dick
Smith-Fuck you we're gonna come over and set fire to your dog
Smith-Fucking hate this fucking client
Smith-Fucking listen to me you piece of shit
Smith-He failed
Smith-He will literally bang fucking anyone
Smith-I think marrying Sips would be the best outcome
Smith-I told him he was utter shit
Smith-I'd fuck Lewis
Smith-I'm pressing fucking R
SmithROss-99 luft balloons
Smith-Shut the fuck up
Smith-Sick of your shit already
Smith-Thats not the question
Smith-The color of dog dick red
Smith-Those balls between your legs are swinging away AND THEY DONT BELONG TO YOU
Smith-Yeah I just want you to fucking think about it for one second
Trott-Bedroom Policies
Trott-Can you kill me
Trott-I don't want that
Trott-I want that to be bigger
Trott-I'll teach you something here
Trott-Mate you're hot as fuck
Trott-Oh what the FUCK is that bug
Trott-Pick up the slack you prick
Trott-That's not nearly big enough
Trott-Thats not really big either
Trott-Thats really fucking small
Trott-Up your butt
Trott-We suck
Trott-What are you doing Ross, why are you being a piece of shit
Trott-You're going to go far in life
AllHats-Creating a Game (mini song)
Ross-Cmon guys you know I'm serious about rocket league
Ross-I kinda wish it would be a quick banging
Ross-It wont let me in
Ross-That's catch phrased
Ross-You alright Having a good time
Smiht-What if they beat us Trott
Smith-But I dont know whats going on
Smith-Chris I'm really bad at rocket league
Smith-Fuck you Trott!
Smith-I can sling a lot of shit at these guys
Smith-I dont want to fucking play with you Trott
Smith-I'm tired
Smith-Look at this
Smith-Smiffy's forehead is brighter than my future
Smith-Stay Salty
Smith-Trott does not give a fuck
Smith-You're the best player and you're terrible
Smit-I'm really unhappy about this angle
Trott-Rocket League
Trott-Solomon's in goal Smith
Trott-Uhhh No
Trott-Racoon Noises
AllHats-Tiny Winky Song
Smith-He Loves me, He loves mehhhhhh!
AllHats-Downtown Song
AllHats- Random Song
AllHats-Germany Tragedy Song
AllHats-Nob Song
AllHats-Superman Theme song
Ross-All your men are dead
Ross-Can we not say those things, don't say them!
Ross-Filthy Twats
Ross-I went everywhere and nowhere
Ross-I'll surprise you with it
Ross-Lads on tour tour tour tour lads on tour
Ross-Proud of You Soooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn
Ross-Suck on Someone else's nob
Ross-Take your eye out
Ross-Tickled his nuts
Ross-Trott You Bastard
Ross-Ya bellends
Ross-You're a prick
Smith- I love to laugh (mini song)
Smith-Ah, fart n boob
Smith-Is trott dumb
Smith-It's the ass blaster
Smith-NO I'm a Zerg Russian
Smith-Nonono I'm gonna fuck you up
Smith-Oookay now get the fuck out
SmithRoss-Baddabada beeee bop bop bop bo bop
Smith-Shut the fuck up mate
Smith-Stop messaging me Twat
Smith-There's nothing in here
Smith-Trott I expect tears because this will move you
Smith-Trott's had his face blown off
Smith-Underneath Trott
Smith-We're gonna crush Trott
Smith-Yeah Boiiii HAHA
Smith-You're about to get blasted
Trott-5th Edition
Trott-Christ, why would you fuck yourself up like that
Trott-Dragon Dildo
Trott-I was crying a lot
Trott-Jump in my slooooooot
Trott-Princes of the Apocalypse
Trott-They should go fuck themselves
AllHats-Making groaning noises
Hat Chat Opening Theme
Hat Chat Topic Change Sound Effect
Ross-I'm not done, UGHHHHHHH
Ross-It's all the way in, guys
RossSmith-Sex noises
Ross-There's a gun in her cooch
Ross-There's a gun in her Vagina
Smith- I don't know how I managed it
Smith-About the same size as trott's dick
Smith-Bullshit territory
Smith-Butt Gun
Smith-No, no, I put it in butt first
Smith-Six Incehs Long
Smith-So, I'm a lady
Smith-Sometimes I poke myself in the chin with it
Smith-That's going to be hard to top
Smith-Trott I'm going to throw a full porcelain jug at you in a minute
Smith-Trott's got a really wide penis
Smith-Wedged in my Vajayjay
Smith-You bunch of twats
Trott-12 bags of cocaine
Trott-Big heavy things
Trott-Calm Yourself
Trott-Dem motherfuckers
Trott-Doo doo gaming on youtube
Trott-Dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dundundundd
Trott-It's friday
Trott-Map Maker
Trott-Smith go nuts
TrottSmith-We drink, we die, we drink again
Trott-Stop it
Trott-Stop pressing shit
Trott-Time is money, friends
Trott-Twitch Chat is clearly superior, look at em
Trott-Yeah Ross pissed himself once
Trott-Yeah, I'll do it again
Trott-You were meant to be better than that
AllHats-Map Maker Song
Ross-Always wash your nob
Ross-I thought I did it, but I didn't, FUCK
Ross-I'm not a ledge, you're not a ledge, that's a ledge
Ross-I'm not whispering
Smith- NnnnnnnNOTHING
Smith-Fucking Stab him through the forehead
Smith-I don't know
Smith-OH fuck
Smith-oooOOOOOOHHHH Shit
Smith-Stop fucking whispering you prick
Smith-This is the rhythm of the night OH YEAH
Smith-Whoah I got sucked through the hole
Smith-You make that sound again, and I'm going to come over there and cut your dick off
Smith-You'd need an electron microscope to see my weiner
Trott- Screaming Noise
Trott-Fucking bullshit crazy
Trott-Llama Noise
Trott-Loud Bird Noise
Trott-Map maker
TrottRoss-Somewhere over the rainbow
Trott-You've got 15 seconds to not do it
Trott-You feckers
Trott-Yohoho benny pee on the ship
Trott-What the fuuuuuuck
Trott-Were very busy you pieces of shit
Trott-Wake up Smith
Trott-Uh Yeah
Trott-Ugh boh Blegh
Trott-Trott you AI bastard
Trott-Thanks M8
Trott-Piss Off
Trott-Oh my god
Trott-No WHAT
Trott-Is that alex oh alex get ross
Trott-Im gonna have a quick wee
Trott-I think you might be gifted
Trott-Hashtag SubBlowie
Trott-Get out the way
Trott-Fuck all mate good luck
Trott-Everything you say can and will be sound clipped
Trott-Eiriaeriarieai Or whatever it is
Tott-No you piece of SHIT
Smith-You scrotty barge
Smith-You look like a right twat trott
Smith-You fucking idiot
Smith-Wouldnt mind unlocking your gate
Smith-Would you rather 100 grapes or a pinecone
Smith-Well maybe you should open your eyes when youre typing
Smith-Well dont fuck us again because if you do ill cut your little dick off
Smith-Stupid Bastard
Smith-Shut up Trott you prick
Smith-Open your butthole
Smith-Just come over and shit in our mouths
Smith-Its like waking up to a shitty car
Smith-He sounds like trott is his least favorite
Smith-Hashtag poverty for the rash
Smith-Fucking MrCraws
Smith-Fuck Youuuuu
Smith-Fuck all you guys that say yeah
Smith-Dr Trott
SlugLord-Chris Trott
Ross-You Scrotty barge2
Ross-You Scrotty barge
Ross-Yohoho benny pee on the ship
Ross-Were Fucked
Ross-Uhlllllllp Put thos in an apple pie theyll be fine
Ross-Thats NOT my FAULT
Ross-Thats how its done
RossSmith-Pppppower Puppet
Ross-Smash IT
Ross-Shit Jesus
Ross-Scorpion Attack
Ross-Piss off Trott
Ross-Its not for sale trott
Ross-I feel teary eyed
Ross-I dooooo
Ross-Hes not here slug lord is
Ross-Fuck off
Ross-fuck hes nailing my tires FUCK YOU
Ross-Being in the back sucks
Ross-Because I fucking boosted m8
All Hats-Tragedy Song
All Hats-Boffin
Trott-Ross lost and smiths dead I think
Ross-What is happenin
Ross- Please stop shooting at me you piece of shit
Ross-Ow You Prick
Ross-Ooh Disgusting and filthy
SmithRoss-You Want rubber fuck off gimp
Ross-Sick Burn Sick Burn FUCK
Smith-Ohh Its so deep like Trotts butthole
Trott-Started from the bottom now were here
Ross-Shit in Hell
Ross- Eyes on the fuck
Smith-Eyes on the prize
Ross-You prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrick
Smith-Im ready trott
Ross-Hes really horny
Trott-God Im so aroused
Smith-Game of Keepie Ups
Smith-Oh fuck me that was a great shot
All Hats-Youre scrubs
All Hats-Its coming home
Smith-Awe here we go
Ross-Ron Geremy blew me
Ross-All about that glory
Trott-Look at this
Ross-Glorious Fucking teamwork
Smith-Put her in the mixer
Trott-Mix it up
Trott-Where did the ball go
Trott-Come on Smith
Ross-Get out of the way i cant see shit
Trott-Teradactyl Screech
Smith-Ohh Trott wouldn't mind a go on your twin peaks
Smith-Fuck you trott you came last
Ross-Trott didnt fucking win
Ross-Silly Mistake
Trott-Shit Yourself
Trott-Rampant Rabbit
Trott-I feel like a piece of shit right now
Trott-Ah well done
Smith-Im on fire
Smith- Hello
Trott-What was that
Trott-Go On
Ross-Good Day
Ross-If I had a gun
Ross-Oh god hes thinking
Trott-What the Hell
Trott-What how did that go back on me
Trott-Well Yeah
Trott-Skills to pay the bills
Trott-Oh Shit
Trott-In the Butthole
Trott-Fucking little shit
Smith-Im not a bastard
Smith-Jam this up my Ass
Ross-Cram It
Ross-Fucking what
Ross-Go Back In
Ross-Its Hard
Ross-Its so frustrating
Ross-Tell Us Why
Ross-Why Not
Smith-Youre a little choco factory aren't you trott
Smith-Trott youre a nerd
Smith-Pleas not today
Smith-Fucking Fun
Ross-Shit a Dick
Ross-Ohh Finito
Ross-I am just naturall shit normally
Trott-I'm a Twat
Ross-Can't Get My Mouth Round It
Ross-Blitz It
Ross-Fuck you Trott You're Shit
Ross:Stinky Fungal Cavern
Ross:Grandma's Vag

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Random Phrases from Hat Films. Soundboard made by SilveraMoon
Ross Hornby from Hat Films. Soundboard made by SilveraMoon
Hat Films Alsmiffy. Soundboard made by SilveraMoon
Hat Films Chris Trott. Soundboard made by SilveraMoon
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