by Name - 507 tracks
All Hats- El-a-va-tor OOOoooOOOoh
All Hats- Mama Mia Explicit Parody
All Hats- Moaning noises
All Hats- Never Forget where you're comming from Mini Song
All Hats-Just the two of us mini song
All Hats-My Ding-a-ling mini song
Smith-You've got a penis like a wooden tent pole
All Hats-My Ding-a-ling mini song
Ross-He's watching from above like a sneaky pervert
Smith-Backdoor Bandit
Smith-Not me
AllHats-Gold Star
AllHats-We're gonna blow up, you're gonna blow up
Ross-Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, take a switchblade to your SPINE
Ross-Get In
RossSmith-You spin me right round mini song
Smith-If any of you have got any porn, that'd be nice
Smith-Making the clutch play
Smith-Moment on the lips, lifetime on the hips
Smith-Post Intercourse Pissing
Smith-Ross Likes Busch
Trott-Go On Punish Me
AllHats- Lord of the Star Wars Song
Ross- You are a mothafucka
Ross-I'm going to drive this ship into a fucking Ice berg LETS DO THIS
Ross-John Cena Tune
Ross-Niesh Meme
Ross-Put that cookie down
RossSmith- You raise me up (mini song)
Ross-Well there we go
Smith- We need to try to eat these stormtrooper's dicks
Smith-Boy, get in that hole
Smith-Farting noise
Smith-I'm going to touch you guys inappropriately
Smith-Jetpack Prick
Smith-John Cena
Smith-Mr.Wayne, I may be your butler, but I am NOT your whore
Smith-Oh no NO
Smith-Shut up you dillholes
Smith-That was an error on my part
SmithTrott-Hey christmas tree
Trott-Bye everybody
Trott-Don't vorry guysh
Trott-I think Hitachi made it
Trott-Jetpack Prick
Trott-Skunk Shit on my face
Trott-Wha What the fucccccck
AllHats- Ross and Trott screaming while Smith laughs
AllHats-Trott screaming
Ross-Birds eye bitch
Ross-Horse noises
RossSmith-Knock Knock Daddy Cool
Ross-Stop flashing me
Smith-Sunshine lollipops and rainbows
Trott-Evil laughing, HELLO
Trott-I'm going away from you, fuck you
Trott-My heart is racing I don't like it
Trott-No banging in the dark
Trott-Standing by
Trott-Strictly no flashlights thank you
Trott-We're gonna give you a blumpkin
Trott-Smack his tiny ween
Ross-Stop buggaring me, you ho ho ho
Trott-Disingenuous Laugh
Ross- A good day and welcome
Smith-Put that cookie down
Trott-Drop it like it's hot
Trott-Pummel his tiny ween with your leather face
AllHats- Awkward LaughScreams
Smith-Give me your trousers
Ross- You guys are here now and that's all that matters
Ross-Shame shame shame
Ross-Shut up and take my money
RossSmith-Oh nooo daddy
Ross-You silly bellend
Smith- Do you want to skin a Salmon (song)
Smith-Are you in there Knock knock bitch
Smith-Everyone's a Criminal
Smith-Sound like she didn't get what she wanted trott
Trott-Fair Play
Trott-Short scream
Trott-Well thats your own fault
AllHats-Happy Birthday Zedzees song
AllHats-Never Visit Texas Song
AllHats-Rolling- A Spoken word song
Ross- Damnit Rosh (He mispronounced his name)
Ross-And then Trott can be drowning here in this river in the middle
Ross-Dragon Dildooooo
Ross-Give me your CASH
Ross-I don't want to
Ross-I'mmmmmmm a call of duty scrublord
Ross-I've done penis' in the past
Ross-Oh I'm so baffled, what do I do
Ross-Ohh I like making little curves, oh nipples at the end
Ross-Salmon Boiiiii
Ross-Will you marry me 2
Ross-Will You Marry Me
Ross-You know I'll do all sorts of guys
SlugLord-You're a fucking little prick
Smith Eugheugheugh
Smith-Colin needs to shut the fuck up
Smith-Everybody in shitsville is sick
Smith-I think it might be the sex toys
Smith-I'll get him when he comes back in
Smith-I'll have to punch him twice as hard because he'll have an empty baldder
Smith-I'm not a fucking russian spy
Smith-I've done seven nights on the trott
Smith-I've just buried some people alive
Smith-One day, I will BANG you
SmithSee his little weiner peeking out from under the bubbles
Smith-What can I do to make you love me
Smith-Wouldn't mind looking at your kink
Smith-You come past my desk and i'll punch you right in the bladder
Trott- Alllll the mouths of the salmon are dirty as shit
Trott-Geese Noises
Trott-Happy Birthday
Trott-He's got a real dirty Salmon mouth
Trott-I hate Ross
Trott-I need a wee REAL bad
Trott-I'm gobblin down this yogurt
Trott-It's because I sell my body for cash
Trott-Kill Me
Trott-Oh we got a sad salmon on our hands
Trott-People be commitin crimes
TrottRoss-Airhorn noises
Trott-Salmon Boy
Trott-Wubba lubba dub dub
Trott-You're all great
AllHats-Move On Song
Ross- Actual Hell
Ross-Hate you guys
Ross-I'm learning
Ross-My woody
Ross-Oh I can't belive you did that its amazing
Ross-Smith, do you ejaculate salt
Ross-Think I'll squeeze these dangly things here
RossTrott-How much banging will there be, LOTS
Ross-You're screwed son
SlugLord-Using a dildo and shoving it up your ass every night
Smith- I'm gonna write hello with my own feces on the wall
Smith-And we wanted to play with Balloons more
Smith-Big ole dick
Smith-Fuck you we're gonna come over and set fire to your dog
Smith-Fucking hate this fucking client
Smith-Fucking listen to me you piece of shit
Smith-He failed
Smith-He will literally bang fucking anyone
Smith-I think marrying Sips would be the best outcome
Smith-I told him he was utter shit
Smith-I'd fuck Lewis
Smith-I'm pressing fucking R
SmithROss-99 luft balloons
Smith-Shut the fuck up
Smith-Sick of your shit already
Smith-Thats not the question
Smith-The color of dog dick red
Smith-Those balls between your legs are swinging away AND THEY DONT BELONG TO YOU
Smith-Yeah I just want you to fucking think about it for one second
Trott-Bedroom Policies
Trott-Can you kill me
Trott-I don't want that
Trott-I want that to be bigger
Trott-I'll teach you something here
Trott-Mate you're hot as fuck
Trott-Oh what the FUCK is that bug
Trott-Pick up the slack you prick
Trott-That's not nearly big enough
Trott-Thats not really big either
Trott-Thats really fucking small
Trott-Up your butt
Trott-We suck
Trott-What are you doing Ross, why are you being a piece of shit
Trott-You're going to go far in life
AllHats-Creating a Game (mini song)
Ross-Cmon guys you know I'm serious about rocket league
Ross-I kinda wish it would be a quick banging
Ross-It wont let me in
Ross-That's catch phrased
Ross-You alright Having a good time
Smiht-What if they beat us Trott
Smith-But I dont know whats going on
Smith-Chris I'm really bad at rocket league
Smith-Fuck you Trott!
Smith-I can sling a lot of shit at these guys
Smith-I dont want to fucking play with you Trott
Smith-I'm tired
Smith-Look at this
Smith-Smiffy's forehead is brighter than my future
Smith-Stay Salty
Smith-Trott does not give a fuck
Smith-You're the best player and you're terrible
Smit-I'm really unhappy about this angle
Trott-Rocket League
Trott-Solomon's in goal Smith
Trott-Uhhh No
Trott-Racoon Noises
AllHats-Tiny Winky Song
Smith-He Loves me, He loves mehhhhhh!
AllHats-Downtown Song
AllHats- Random Song
AllHats-Germany Tragedy Song
AllHats-Nob Song
AllHats-Superman Theme song
Ross-All your men are dead
Ross-Can we not say those things, don't say them!
Ross-Filthy Twats
Ross-I went everywhere and nowhere
Ross-I'll surprise you with it
Ross-Lads on tour tour tour tour lads on tour
Ross-Proud of You Soooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnn
Ross-Suck on Someone else's nob
Ross-Take your eye out
Ross-Tickled his nuts
Ross-Trott You Bastard
Ross-Ya bellends
Ross-You're a prick
Smith- I love to laugh (mini song)
Smith-Ah, fart n boob
Smith-Is trott dumb
Smith-It's the ass blaster
Smith-NO I'm a Zerg Russian
Smith-Nonono I'm gonna fuck you up
Smith-Oookay now get the fuck out
SmithRoss-Baddabada beeee bop bop bop bo bop
Smith-Shut the fuck up mate
Smith-Stop messaging me Twat
Smith-There's nothing in here
Smith-Trott I expect tears because this will move you
Smith-Trott's had his face blown off
Smith-Underneath Trott
Smith-We're gonna crush Trott
Smith-Yeah Boiiii HAHA
Smith-You're about to get blasted
Trott-5th Edition
Trott-Christ, why would you fuck yourself up like that
Trott-Dragon Dildo
Trott-I was crying a lot
Trott-Jump in my slooooooot
Trott-Princes of the Apocalypse
Trott-They should go fuck themselves
AllHats-Making groaning noises
Hat Chat Opening Theme
Hat Chat Topic Change Sound Effect
Ross-I'm not done, UGHHHHHHH
Ross-It's all the way in, guys
RossSmith-Sex noises
Ross-There's a gun in her cooch
Ross-There's a gun in her Vagina
Smith- I don't know how I managed it
Smith-About the same size as trott's dick
Smith-Bullshit territory
Smith-Butt Gun
Smith-No, no, I put it in butt first
Smith-Six Incehs Long
Smith-So, I'm a lady
Smith-Sometimes I poke myself in the chin with it
Smith-That's going to be hard to top
Smith-Trott I'm going to throw a full porcelain jug at you in a minute
Smith-Trott's got a really wide penis
Smith-Wedged in my Vajayjay
Smith-You bunch of twats
Trott-12 bags of cocaine
Trott-Big heavy things
Trott-Calm Yourself
Trott-Dem motherfuckers
Trott-Doo doo gaming on youtube
Trott-Dun dun dun dun dun dun dundun dundundundd
Trott-It's friday
Trott-Map Maker
Trott-Smith go nuts
TrottSmith-We drink, we die, we drink again
Trott-Stop it
Trott-Stop pressing shit
Trott-Time is money, friends
Trott-Twitch Chat is clearly superior, look at em
Trott-Yeah Ross pissed himself once
Trott-Yeah, I'll do it again
Trott-You were meant to be better than that
AllHats-Map Maker Song
Ross-Always wash your nob
Ross-I thought I did it, but I didn't, FUCK
Ross-I'm not a ledge, you're not a ledge, that's a ledge
Ross-I'm not whispering
Smith- NnnnnnnNOTHING
Smith-Fucking Stab him through the forehead
Smith-I don't know
Smith-OH fuck
Smith-oooOOOOOOHHHH Shit
Smith-Stop fucking whispering you prick
Smith-This is the rhythm of the night OH YEAH
Smith-Whoah I got sucked through the hole
Smith-You make that sound again, and I'm going to come over there and cut your dick off
Smith-You'd need an electron microscope to see my weiner
Trott- Screaming Noise
Trott-Fucking bullshit crazy
Trott-Llama Noise
Trott-Loud Bird Noise
Trott-Map maker
TrottRoss-Somewhere over the rainbow
Trott-You've got 15 seconds to not do it
Trott-You feckers
Trott-Yohoho benny pee on the ship
Trott-What the fuuuuuuck
Trott-Were very busy you pieces of shit
Trott-Wake up Smith
Trott-Uh Yeah
Trott-Ugh boh Blegh
Trott-Trott you AI bastard
Trott-Thanks M8
Trott-Piss Off
Trott-Oh my god
Trott-No WHAT
Trott-Is that alex oh alex get ross
Trott-Im gonna have a quick wee
Trott-I think you might be gifted
Trott-Hashtag SubBlowie
Trott-Get out the way
Trott-Fuck all mate good luck
Trott-Everything you say can and will be sound clipped
Trott-Eiriaeriarieai Or whatever it is
Tott-No you piece of SHIT
Smith-You scrotty barge
Smith-You look like a right twat trott
Smith-You fucking idiot
Smith-Wouldnt mind unlocking your gate
Smith-Would you rather 100 grapes or a pinecone
Smith-Well maybe you should open your eyes when youre typing
Smith-Well dont fuck us again because if you do ill cut your little dick off
Smith-Stupid Bastard
Smith-Shut up Trott you prick
Smith-Open your butthole
Smith-Just come over and shit in our mouths
Smith-Its like waking up to a shitty car
Smith-He sounds like trott is his least favorite
Smith-Hashtag poverty for the rash
Smith-Fucking MrCraws
Smith-Fuck Youuuuu
Smith-Fuck all you guys that say yeah
Smith-Dr Trott
SlugLord-Chris Trott
Ross-You Scrotty barge2
Ross-You Scrotty barge
Ross-Yohoho benny pee on the ship
Ross-Were Fucked
Ross-Uhlllllllp Put thos in an apple pie theyll be fine
Ross-Thats NOT my FAULT
Ross-Thats how its done
RossSmith-Pppppower Puppet
Ross-Smash IT
Ross-Shit Jesus
Ross-Scorpion Attack
Ross-Piss off Trott
Ross-Its not for sale trott
Ross-I feel teary eyed
Ross-I dooooo
Ross-Hes not here slug lord is
Ross-Fuck off
Ross-fuck hes nailing my tires FUCK YOU
Ross-Being in the back sucks
Ross-Because I fucking boosted m8
All Hats-Tragedy Song
All Hats-Boffin
Trott-Ross lost and smiths dead I think
Ross-What is happenin
Ross- Please stop shooting at me you piece of shit
Ross-Ow You Prick
Ross-Ooh Disgusting and filthy
SmithRoss-You Want rubber fuck off gimp
Ross-Sick Burn Sick Burn FUCK
Smith-Ohh Its so deep like Trotts butthole
Trott-Started from the bottom now were here
Ross-Shit in Hell
Ross- Eyes on the fuck
Smith-Eyes on the prize
Ross-You prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrick
Smith-Im ready trott
Ross-Hes really horny
Trott-God Im so aroused
Smith-Game of Keepie Ups
Smith-Oh fuck me that was a great shot
All Hats-Youre scrubs
All Hats-Its coming home
Smith-Awe here we go
Ross-Ron Geremy blew me
Ross-All about that glory
Trott-Look at this
Ross-Glorious Fucking teamwork
Smith-Put her in the mixer
Trott-Mix it up
Trott-Where did the ball go
Trott-Come on Smith
Ross-Get out of the way i cant see shit
Trott-Teradactyl Screech
Smith-Ohh Trott wouldn't mind a go on your twin peaks
Smith-Fuck you trott you came last
Ross-Trott didnt fucking win
Ross-Silly Mistake
Trott-Shit Yourself
Trott-Rampant Rabbit
Trott-I feel like a piece of shit right now
Trott-Ah well done
Smith-Im on fire
Smith- Hello
Trott-What was that
Trott-Go On
Ross-Good Day
Ross-If I had a gun
Ross-Oh god hes thinking
Trott-What the Hell
Trott-What how did that go back on me
Trott-Well Yeah
Trott-Skills to pay the bills
Trott-Oh Shit
Trott-In the Butthole
Trott-Fucking little shit
Smith-Im not a bastard