Best Halloween Haunted House
If your fixing up your own Haunted house this year, we got some of the best Halloween scary sound clips right here. This audio collection includes cackling witches, black cats, monsters, ghosts, zombies, screams, werewolves and creepy haunted atmospheres have fun!
by Jason Booth - 38 tracks Full Board $4.99
3 ghosts moaning
Aliens speaking atmosphere
Black Cat hiss
caught in the crypt
creepy tea party
Fanged animal growls
female torture scream
Freaky winds,
gentle breathy ghostlike
ghost saying get out
ghostly nooo
ghostly sob
Girl panic scream
howling werewolf
Long ghostly wail
long male torture scream
mad scream
madness in the basement
male scream with crunch
mental hospital
monster chortling
monster growl
passage of a spectre
rain starts
Rapid breathing
Scary cat fight
scary thunder
strong lightning
weird grunt noises - The Exorcist
witch cackle 2
witch laughing 2
witch laughing 3
witch laughing
witches incantation
witchs caldron
zombie groan
zombie scream

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Boards form Jason Booth
If your fixing up your own Haunted house this year, we got some of the best Halloween scary sound clips right here. This audio collection includes cackling witches, black cats, monsters, ghosts, zombies, screams, werewolves and creepy haunted atmospheres have fun!
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