by Penny Modesto - 25 tracks
Freezer full of popsicles
Hey muscly arm
Bringin the good news
Nice muscly arm
Piss me off
Lonely here
Thinkin bout muscly
Tip in pocket
Wishin good news
Bad ass
You like popsicles
Come here son
Come down to cellar
Wonderin come back
Dont make me beg
Fish it out
Guess who
Hand me the paper
Haven't seen newspaper
Hey there fella
Who needs em
Sorry to leave so many messages
Where are ya
Where paperboy
Why the long face

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Herbert is an elderly and eccentric Ephebophile who resides down the street from the Griffins and constantly lusts after Chris Griffin. He uses a walker for support and whistles as he speaks due to his missing teeth.
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