Today in History April 8

We're you born on April 8? Find out what historical events have happened on your birthday today! April 8 Birthdays of note: Patricia Arquette 1968, Julian Lennon 1963, Kofi Annan 1938, Betty Ford 1918, Mary Pickford 1892. Gautama Siddhattha Buddha was born around 400 BC and brought Buddhism to the world, he was known to have reached Nirvana.

Category: History   Tracks: 1   Views: 2861  

by Jason Booth - 1 tracks
Twin Peaks debuts - 1990
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

We're you born on April 8? Find out what historical events have happened on your birthday today! April 8 Birthdays of note: Patricia Arquette 1968, Julian Lennon 1963, Kofi Annan 1938, Betty Ford 1918, Mary Pickford 1892. Gautama Siddhattha Buddha was born around 400 BC and brought Buddhism to the world, he was known to have reached Nirvana.

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