Today in History March 28

We're you born on March 28? Find out what historical events have happened on your birthday today! Did you know actor Vince Vaughn was born on this day in 1970...

Category: History   Tracks: 13   Views: 2215  

by Jason Booth - 13 tracks
Three Mile Island - 1979
Vince Vaughn born - 1970
Andrew Jackson Censored - 1834
Free money from ATMS - 2011
Lady Gaga Born - 1996
Constantinople is Istanbul - 1930
Reba McCintire Born - 1955
Franco's Reign Of Power - 1939
Maria Von Trapp Dies - 1987
French Youth Protests - 2006
Mass Graves in Japan -2011
Dwight D Eisenhower Dies - 1969
Eisenhower Peace Speech
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

We're you born on March 28? Find out what historical events have happened on your birthday today! Did you know actor Vince Vaughn was born on this day in 1970...

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