by Jason Booth - 26 tracks
I Fart in your general direction
Hello who is it?
I'm French
Go and boil your bottoms
Your mother was a hamster
I blow my nose at you
I dont want to talk to you
No - Now go away.
I wave my private parts at
English bedwetting types
Daffy English Kniggets
Hes already got one you see
Castenets out of your Testicles
Mind your own business
Of course not you are English
Oh yes its very nice
Outwit us French?
Sons of a windows dresser
This is the castle of my master
You silly king
You have the brain of a duck
You wiper of other peoples bottoms
Ready the livestock projectiles
Ready the livestock projectiles 2
Livestock Projectile Attack

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Boards form Jason Booth
Enjoy relentless insults and farts in your general direction courtesy of the taunting French guard. John Cleese played him in Monty Python's the Holy Grail movie.
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