by Jason Booth - 32 tracks
Grayskull !
Swan at Large
You ever
Any Questions ?
Grayskull - Nicholas Angel
Extremely Irratating Living Statue
The Living Statue
F-ck Ugly
Narp ?
Yarp dude impersonation
2 Blokes and a Fuckload of cutlery
Guilty People
Seeing someone else
Danny Lets Roll
F-ck off Grasshopper
Stay back
I have to do myself
Judge Judy & Executioner
Mumbling Farmer Translations
Chunky Monkey
Mumbling Farmer
Here come the fuzz
I did say playtimes over.
Point Break or Bad Boys II
Thats what Im Talking about
Your a doctor deal with it !

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Boards form Jason Booth
How do you top Shaun of The Dead ? You bring a big cop to small town and spoof the buddy cop movie genre big time. But this movie is much more, inventive, brilliantly shot and casted. By the power of greyskull listen to these choice clips !
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