How the Grinch Stole Christmas Soundboard
This is the classic, the best when it comes to christmas cartoons, this is one of the few cartoons that really captures the Christmas Spirit outside of the religious and social aspects of the holiday. And what is not to love with Boris Karloff narrating, Chuck Jones animating, and a story by the lovable Dr. Seuss himself.
by Penny Modesto - 13 tracks
Hated Xmas
Stop Xmas
Boo Hoo
Little more
Mean one
Roast beast
Some way
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Boards form Penny Modesto
This is the classic, the best when it comes to christmas cartoons, this is one of the few cartoons that really captures the Christmas Spirit outside of the religious and social aspects of the holiday. And what is not to love with Boris Karloff narrating, Chuck Jones animating, and a story by the lovable Dr. Seuss himself.
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