Jar Jar Binks sounds
Jar Jar is a luckless exile amphibious from his home city Otoh Gunga. He spent his time in the Naboo swampland, surviving on just about anything else that the murky ecosystem had to offer. He is a deadly cancer upon the Star Wars universe.
by Penny Modesto - 21 tracks
You say people gonna die
Die in here
Humble servant
Ahh moi moi
Ahh moi moi 2
Very very bad
Very very bad 2
Jar Jar sounds
Gungans get pasted too
What meesa saying
Terrible things
Jar Jar Screaming
Oh, stipen colie
You no liken us
Oh maxi big
Meesa hate crunchen
Meesa doin' nothin'
I'm stuck
How rude
Excuse me

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Jar Jar is a luckless exile amphibious from his home city Otoh Gunga. He spent his time in the Naboo swampland, surviving on just about anything else that the murky ecosystem had to offer. He is a deadly cancer upon the Star Wars universe.
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