by Beng Dy - 34 tracks
Clit commander
Ball Licker
Jay Raps
About clit
Bears, Rhinos
Bitches Babblin
Bye Bye
F*** anything that moves
Episode 1
F*** the Pie
F*** the Police
Fat chronic blunt
Female Clitters
Han solo
He loves the C***
Holy Shit!
I Make That Sh** Work
Jay and Bob in the Hiz-ouse
Movie Check
Said that Sh**
Start Su**ing...
Steal Monkeys
Stupid Asses
Suck your D***
Tell a story
The important thing
Who The F*** Are You?
Yoda and Sh**

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Boards form Beng Dy
Jason Mewes- this actor from New Jersey is best known as the vocal half of the onscreen comedy duo of Jay and Silent Bob. Hear this countless F Bombs and explicit sexual discussion of Jay. RATED R!!!
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