Jesse The Body Ventura

Jesse the Body Ventura, as a wrestler or as an announcer in the '70s and '80s probably wouldn't have believed that the flamboyant wrestler, known for his wild costumes would go on to become the Governor of Minnesota and a respected politician.

Category: Sports   Tracks: 19   Views: 11649  

by Beng Dy - 19 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Most beautiful body
The hair
On my way
Face Jessie The Body
Ventura rips The Rock n Roller
The Body will find out
Got to know
I predicted
Mad dog
Macho got the best manager
Produce Hogan
The Animal
Cheddar head
Political views
None of the above
Elected Governor
I Ain't Got Time To Bleed- Predator
Sexual Tyrannosarous- Predator
Boards form Beng Dy
Beng Dy

Jesse the Body Ventura, as a wrestler or as an announcer in the '70s and '80s probably wouldn't have believed that the flamboyant wrestler, known for his wild costumes would go on to become the Governor of Minnesota and a respected politician.

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