Joe Pesci Soundboard 2
It seemed in the early 1990s that every film released in the US had Joe Pesci in it. This diminutive, intense Italian-American character player took a long time to make it to the top. His notable credits include a controversial character turn in Oliver Stone's JFK and portrayal of a mobster in GoodFellas. Adult Language
by Penny Modesto - 20 tracks
Crack you head wide open
Mumbling stuttering f*ck
Sick f*ck
Balls accurate
Pesci Love Song
Outta here
Whack him for you
Shot in the foot
Baldeaded jew prick
Banana peel
Believe this prick
Dizzy MF
Tell you something
Try to f*ck anything
Settle down with a nice girl

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Boards form Penny Modesto
It seemed in the early 1990s that every film released in the US had Joe Pesci in it. This diminutive, intense Italian-American character player took a long time to make it to the top. His notable credits include a controversial character turn in Oliver Stone's JFK and portrayal of a mobster in GoodFellas. Adult Language
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