by Beng Dy - 22 tracks
You pinheads!
Palin cannot name the countries in North America
You can't just overthrow a government
Power Ranger
President of the United States is Barack
I'm going to work on my Obama
People's Republic of Obamaca
Short-term memory
Do stupid people vote
Russia is SO twentieth-century
Give them the money
Let's move on
On Sarah Palin's rhetoric at campaign events
Palin wasn't picked for her knowledge
Pre-emptive strikes
Production schedules
Sarah Palin discarded organs
Sarcastic about Karl Rove's hypocrisy
Senator Mel Martinez
Teen pregnancy gestate
Teen pregnancy
The sexism
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Jon Stewart is not only the functional equivalent of a news anchor, but the most influential anchor in America. The crucial part of Stewarts formula is an exacting and sometimes harsh moral judgment with an ironic or satrical twist.
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