Jukebox sounds
Manufacturers did not call them jukeboxes, they called them Automatic Coin-Operated Phonographs. The term jukebox appeared in the 1930's and originated in the southern United States, a slang term used by southern US field workers for their entertainment. Listen to the sounds of these music machines!
by Beng Dy - 12 tracks Full Board $4.99
Wurlitzer 700 Jukebox 1940
Juke Box Sounds
Coin Drop and Button Push
Jukebox coin and sequence of levers
Jukebox placing record
Jukebox startup
Coin Drop 1
Coin Drop 2
Searching For A Record
Rock-ola Jukebox
Seeburg Jukebox 100B
Wurlitzer 1100 Jukebox

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Boards form Beng Dy
Manufacturers did not call them jukeboxes, they called them Automatic Coin-Operated Phonographs. The term jukebox appeared in the 1930's and originated in the southern United States, a slang term used by southern US field workers for their entertainment. Listen to the sounds of these music machines!
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