Kawai K4 Synthesizer
The K4 from Kawai can be thought of as a warm and fuzzy digital synthesizer. A sample-based digital synth, its sounds are those typically weird industrial type sounds that can still be useful in lo-fi, big-beat and trip hop music styles. This truly makes the K4 more flexible, fun and useful for today's filter tweaking music effects!
by penny modesto - 30 tracks Full Board $4.99
Analog noise pad
Analog saw
Analog saw pad
Analog saw pad with reverb
Auto bend
Choir with sine
Cowbell pad
Double filter
Filter minus envelope through Main Out
Filter minus envelope through Phones Out
Filter plus envelope through Main Out
Filter plus envelope through Phones Out
Fixed frequency ring modulation with marimba
Marimba piano
Noise sequence
Piano synth
Prepared piano
Random' wave
Resonant decay
Resonant guitar
Ring bells
Ring EP
Ring modulation with LFO
Ring pluck
Saw sweep
Sweep pad with filter click
Triangle pad
Wavetable pad

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Boards form penny modesto
The K4 from Kawai can be thought of as a warm and fuzzy digital synthesizer. A sample-based digital synth, its sounds are those typically weird industrial type sounds that can still be useful in lo-fi, big-beat and trip hop music styles. This truly makes the K4 more flexible, fun and useful for today's filter tweaking music effects!
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