Coach Kevin Borseth Rant

Michigan Womens basketball coach Kevin Borseth explodes in a press conference tirade after the Wolverines Women's Team loses because of lack of offensive rebounds. His rant may have had some validity.

Category: Sports   Tracks: 25   Views: 3827  

by Jason Booth - 25 tracks    Full Board $4.99
BAM!!! thats how I feel
Damn sick and tired
Totally Totally lay an egg
What else do you wanna know
Sniffle sorry
Coach Kevin Borseth Rant- full
Gain another 10 pounds
Totally Totally Totally
Mad bad dunno
IM not gonna sleep
Totally Lay an egg
I dont know why
Bust my tail end
I hope you feel the same
Football huh
Getting ready for a game
Is it just me
Offensive rebounds
Sorry Im very frustrated
Thats why Im frustrated
We didnt get 1 damn call
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

Michigan Womens basketball coach Kevin Borseth explodes in a press conference tirade after the Wolverines Women's Team loses because of lack of offensive rebounds. His rant may have had some validity.

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