by Jason Booth - 25 tracks
Kyle and Mr Hanky talking in the bathroom
Depressed phicopheliac on prozac
Theres no sand in my vagina
Mr Hanky the Christmas poo song
What the hell just happened
My Wish For Cuba song
You are hearby declared a retard
Why are you so happy fat ass
I did it !
A Lonely Jew On Christmas
Dreidle song
You unbelievable SOB
All you ever do is talk about your balls
Aww Dude
Half a hit of acid
How retarded
Just play the game fatass
Thats Retarded
Your a stupid a hole
This is Nuts
Oh god here we go again
Kick the Baby

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Boards form Jason Booth
Kyle Broflovski is a witty jewish boy on southpark. Co creator Matt Stone says the character is loosely based on himself. Have you ever seen him without a hat?
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