Laughing Hyenas sounds
The Spotted Hyena, or Laughing Hyena, is the largest and best-known member of the hyena family. Living mostly in the deserts of Africa, they usually hunt in clans of 40 or more. The females can be Hyper Aggressive dominate the males.
by Yigit Kose - 24 tracks Full Board $4.99
A Clan
Laughing Hyenas
Howling and Barking
Radio show about Hyenas - CBC
Younger Hyenas
Strange noises
Hyena (cartoon interpretation)
Crying Hyena
Feast of Hyena
Laughing Hyenas
Laughing Hyenas 2
Large hyena clan on Serengetti Plains
Howling and laughing hyenas
Hyenas at night
Hyenas Laughing
Hyenas sound
Hyenas sound 2
Hyena laugh 01
Hyena laugh 02
Hyena laugh 03
Hyena laugh 04
Hyena laugh moans
Hyena growls 01
Hyena growls 02

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Boards form Yigit Kose
The Spotted Hyena, or Laughing Hyena, is the largest and best-known member of the hyena family. Living mostly in the deserts of Africa, they usually hunt in clans of 40 or more. The females can be Hyper Aggressive dominate the males.
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