by Penny Modesto - 28 tracks
I?m a beginner male
I?m a beginner female
I'm advanced male
I'm advanced female
I'd like a lift pass for a week, please
I'd like a family lift pass for a week, please
I'd like to try snowboarding
I'd like to try cross-country ski-ing
Sorry, I'm still learning
Is it closed?
Is it open?
It's good
It's icy
It's powdery
It's soft
Are you ok?
I've hurt my ankle
I've hurt my arm
I've hurt my leg
I've hurt my shoulder
What's the snow like?
Where's the next refuge?
What a poseur?
I've lost my board
I've lost my lift pass
I've lost my ski sticks
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Boards form Penny Modesto
Here are some of the typical German phrases you need to know when you feel like snowboarding or skiing at a German ski resort.
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