Left 4 Dead sounds

Left 4 Dead is a completely different kind of game, it feels as much of an experiment as it does an amazing gameplay experience. Left 4 Dead is a game that venerates zombie movies throughout the ages. This is a game that comes to life when you play with at least one other human player, and it's even better if there are four humans in each game.

Category: Games   Tracks: 11   Views: 102508  

by Penny Modesto - 11 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Left 4 Dead trailer
Witch Themes
Theme song
Final Version intro movie
Third version intro movie
Second version intro movie
First version intro movie
Boomer sounds
Exploding boomer
Left 4 Dead Rap
Zombie Choirs
Boards form Penny Modesto
Penny Modesto

Left 4 Dead is a completely different kind of game, it feels as much of an experiment as it does an amazing gameplay experience. Left 4 Dead is a game that venerates zombie movies throughout the ages. This is a game that comes to life when you play with at least one other human player, and it's even better if there are four humans in each game.

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