Linn Drum LM1
Classic Drum machine samples from the Linn Drum LM1. Used on many records by Phil Collins, Stevie Wonder, Gary Numan, The Human League, Vangelis, Prince to name a few. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
by Jason Booth - 19 tracks Full Board $4.99

Boards form Jason Booth
Classic Drum samples from one of the most classic workstation in the 90's the Kurzweil K2000. Used by Pink Floyd, Tori Amos, Nine Inch Nails, Massive Attack and more. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Lel UDS. This stange sounding piece of kit is a cool Soviet era analog beatmaker.Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine loop samples from the LeLoops. This cute sounding box has more looping power than you might think, all in a portable analog groovebox. Rare hard to find authentic drum sound loops for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Linn Drum LM1. Used on many records by Phil Collins, Stevie Wonder, Gary Numan, The Human League, Vangelis, Prince to name a few. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Linn Drum LM2. Used by Bruce Springsteen, Phil Collins, Jean-Michel Jarre, John Carpenter, Todd Rundgren, and The Art of Noise. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Linn 9000. The shizznit it 1984. It's on Michael Jackson's "Bad" album, in every single song. Also used by Tears For Fears. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Linn LinnDrum. Used by Sting, Prince, Jean-Michel Jarre, Sheila E., Todd Rundgren, Jimmy Edgar, Jan Hammer, Peter Gabriel and more. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Luxor Passat Drum Machine. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
Classic Drum machine samples from the Maestro Rhythm King. Now we're talking oldschool. This thing has lounge oozing out of it. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice. Bonus are sounds from the Maestro Rhythm MRQ-1.
Classic Drum machine samples from the MATTEL SYNSONIC. Creative artists have long used toys to make percussion. Mattel met them in the middle during the eighties with this one. Rare hard to find authentic drum sounds for music producers, djs or your own song creations. Sampled at 44.1 KHZ Stereo for use in your music production software of choice.
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