Loveline Callers Soundboard
The popularity and reach of the show increased dramatically during the Pinsky - Carolla years. The two had a natural chemistry, in which Carolla's jocular tone emphasized Pinsky's reasoned expertise. Together, they refined the format of the show, and capitalized on their growing popularity. Adult Language!
by penny modesto - 25 tracks
Almost 6 feet
Complete crap
I'm really horny
About 40 bucks
Ass orgasm
He was sweet
I don't know
I'm a Jew
Large pepperoni
My genetalia
No, not alright
Nobody's listening
None of your business
Screw you Drew
Seem like teenagers
Stupid like that
Tasty waves
Thank you very much
What's my dad doing
Where's Dr Drew
Yeah whatever
You reckon
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Boards form penny modesto
The popularity and reach of the show increased dramatically during the Pinsky - Carolla years. The two had a natural chemistry, in which Carolla's jocular tone emphasized Pinsky's reasoned expertise. Together, they refined the format of the show, and capitalized on their growing popularity. Adult Language!
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