Category: My Music   Tracks: 82   Views: 613  

by MIKY R - 82 tracks
what's up
How are you doing??
harry sandbourne
harry sandbourne how are you
Just sitting arourd
How do you feel?
You have to ask me nice#1
I'll Answer the Question!
My answer is!
I want to know what were going to do about this?
Can I ask you one other thing?
Did you ever think about going back to school?
Just curous
Sorry for your trouble
God am i sorry
I don't think I ever had this affect on a women
Yes I Do!
I Don't know!
Thank you!
No problem!
Short laugh
I Beg Your Pardon!
Watch your mouth!
What the F@#k
Bye Now!
Are we clear#1
Are we clear#2
extend me some f@#king courtesy!
You snotty little bastard!
Did you ever serve#1
Did you ever serve#2
Did you ever serve#3
Do you got a girl friend?
Are you a homofobe?
You got somthing you want to ask?
Not a problem
Lets take a walk on the wild side
I'm wetting My Jockys
Injoy your clams
I want to tell you somthing#1
I'm going to rip the eyes out of your head!
i'm going to kill you
What the hell is this?
You f@#ked with the wrong marine
I really don't know
I'm a friend of your daughter's
It was sensational meeting you
Giggling laughing
No you don't understand
were nuts
please proceed
women your age love that about me
you know what i mean
somthing to live for
have you allways been like this?
You never get hot
Just your tits
Trust me
Hey it's me
My dear your confusing sex with sleeping
What are my choices?
Words have been invented for wome like you
It's a pleasure
Not at all
Thank you darling
your killing me
Can i e-mail it to you?
yes honey
sometimes worring about you