by Penny Modesto - 18 tracks Full Board $4.99
AK-47 Long burst
AK-47, Short double burst
Colt AR-15, Multiple shots
Colt AR-15 close range
Colt AR-15 distant range
Colt AR-15
Heckler and Koch MP540
M2 50 Caliber
M-16 and M-60
Empty shells fall on hollow wood
MP40, Long burst
UZI Model A
Multiple empty shells fall
Machine gun projectiles impact with glass
Machine gun projectiles impact with metal
Machine gun sounds 1
Machine gun sounds 2

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Boards form Penny Modesto
The classic noises every boy loves to make... Machine guns sounds! It is legal for your phone to have a machine gun sounds but you could be held responsible when these gunfire sounds would lead the public to panic.
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