Mars Attacks!
Mars Attacks! is a great film and above all a very effective parody. Burton takes the opportunity to spoof and laugh with almost every form of nowadays filth...Politics, religion, the army, television, greed in Las Vegas etc. Mars Attacks! is the purest form of cinema anarchy.
by Penny Modesto - 15 tracks
Need lawyers
Two government
Cultural misunderstanding
They blew up Congress
International sign of donut
Take charge
Shut up
Kick the crud out of 'em
Kill kill kill
Mars Attacks Trailer
Martian talking
Martians land on Earth
Martians plotting mayhem
Martians' sinister laughter

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Boards form Penny Modesto
Mars Attacks! is a great film and above all a very effective parody. Burton takes the opportunity to spoof and laugh with almost every form of nowadays filth...Politics, religion, the army, television, greed in Las Vegas etc. Mars Attacks! is the purest form of cinema anarchy.
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