Martin Luther King Day audio
On January 20, 1986, in cities and towns across the USA people celebrated the first official Martin Luther King Day, the only federal holiday commemorating an African-American. This inspirational civil and human rights leader will not be forgotten.
by Beng Dy - 16 tracks
We are free at last..
Oposed to Vietnam war
Martin Luther King on Malcolm X
Song for MLK by U2
Do not despair
The cup of bitterness
Belafonte's Poem for Dr. Martin Luther King
Greatest Demonstration for Freedom - Martin Luther King
King's Prayer
Montgomery Courthouse - Selma March
Martin Luther King Jr.
Married to the cause- Correta Scott King
Met Martin Luther King, Jr- Correta Scott King
Dedicating life to Montgomery- Correta Scott King
Nonviolent revolution- Correta Scott King
Martin Luther King Shot

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On January 20, 1986, in cities and towns across the USA people celebrated the first official Martin Luther King Day, the only federal holiday commemorating an African-American. This inspirational civil and human rights leader will not be forgotten.
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