Moog Voyager Drones

Drones and loops and FX from the legendary Moog Synthesizers. If you can't own the actual vintage legends here's and economical alternative.

Category: Sound FX   Tracks: 9   Views: 2266  

by Jason Booth - 9 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Moog loop 3
Moog loop 1
Moog loop 2
Moog loop 4
Moog loop 5
Interstellar Voyager 1
Interstellar Voyager 2
Interstellar Voyager 3
Interstellar Voyager 4
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

Drones and loops and FX from the legendary Moog Synthesizers. If you can't own the actual vintage legends here's and economical alternative.

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