Mothers Day soundboard
Mothers Day is celebrated in several country across the globe though the month and date on which Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries varies. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day all over the world is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special. Celebrate Mother's Day this coming May 10, 2009!
by Beng Dy - 16 tracks
Learn About Mother's Day
Mother's Day Commercial Grand Cayman 2008
Afeni Shakur & Voleta Walace
Clinton knows that families are dependent on women
Dedicated to Afeni Shakur
Family bond has been broken- Michael Jackson
Hallmark Mothers Day Commercial
Happy Mothers Day from Disney Channel
Hillary Clinton ran as a mother
Hillary Clinton speaks for women everywhere
Mama by the Spice Girls
Oh Mother- Christina Aguilera
Stephen Colbert talks about mothers
The Greatest Mom I could even dream
WatchMojo com
What's a mother to do- Pleasantville

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Boards form Beng Dy
Mothers Day is celebrated in several country across the globe though the month and date on which Mother's Day is celebrated in different countries varies. The idea of celebrating Mother's Day all over the world is to pay tribute to mothers for all their love and support and to make them feel special. Celebrate Mother's Day this coming May 10, 2009!
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