Mr. Ed Soundboard
This series is about a talking horse and the architect who loved him. It was a syndicated series on January 5, 1961 until September 4, 1966. Mr. Ed only spoke to his owner Wilbur Post played by Alan Young, Wilbur had to keep the secret that Mr. Ed the horse could talk. GREAT show, suitable for children and adults alike.
by Penny Modesto - 12 tracks
Mr Ed Theme song
Blood brother
Goodmorning Wilbur
You're all I've got
Am I mentioned
Smartest horse
Who is Ed
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Boards form Penny Modesto
This series is about a talking horse and the architect who loved him. It was a syndicated series on January 5, 1961 until September 4, 1966. Mr. Ed only spoke to his owner Wilbur Post played by Alan Young, Wilbur had to keep the secret that Mr. Ed the horse could talk. GREAT show, suitable for children and adults alike.
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