Ms. Pacman Soundboard

Ms. Pac-Man was a popular arcade game released by Midway in 1982. This sequel to Pac-Man has different pastel colored screens and the female version of Pacman. Ahhhh the good old arcade days!

Category: Games   Tracks: 9   Views: 54335  

by Jason Booth - 9 tracks    Full Board $4.99
Start of Game
Extra Ms Pac Man
Eat Fruit
Eat Ghost
Chomp !
Intermission Act 1 - They Meet
Intermission Act 2 - The Chase
Intermission Act 3 - Junior
Ambient Arcade Recording
Boards form Jason Booth
Jason Booth

Ms. Pac-Man was a popular arcade game released by Midway in 1982. This sequel to Pac-Man has different pastel colored screens and the female version of Pacman. Ahhhh the good old arcade days!

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