Musical Mail from Russia
A collection of extraordinary Russian "Zvukovye pis'ma" or musical letters. They were issued around 1950 in the Soviet Union. The musical letter was a picture postcard with a small flexible disc glued to it you could really play on a record player.
by Emanuel Enea - 10 tracks
Poliubil ia neudachno
Govoriashchee pis'mo
Pionery v Kremle
Rastsvela siren' nezhdanno
Veselyi veter
Edem my, druz'ia! - pesnia novoselov
Gimn demokraticheskoi molodezhi mira
My za mir!
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A collection of extraordinary Russian "Zvukovye pis'ma" or musical letters. They were issued around 1950 in the Soviet Union. The musical letter was a picture postcard with a small flexible disc glued to it you could really play on a record player.
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