Na fpl soundboard

Category: Sports   Tracks: 103   Views: 13807  

Tags: NA FPL
by ALEX MASON - 103 tracks
steel what are you doing
Steel what 5
Steel what 4
Steel what 3
Steel what 2
Steel what 1
steel voicecrack
steel under
steel thats insane
steel pussy
steel pretends to be pro and he's actually gold nova
steel play 2 in the fucking site
steel oh nooo
steel no nooooo
Steel nice
steel i shot i fucking shot
steel god fucking dammit
steel god fucking dammit 3
steel god fucking dammit 2
steel FUUCK
steel fuck this game
steel flank
steel do you see this
So many pros are salty
m0e why are you such a retard
m0e why (not fpl but still iconic)
m0e what the hell happend
m0e what just happend
m0e stop visiting
m0e outside b 2
m0e outside b 1
m0e niiiiice
m0e niiice
m0e help help
m0e dont know hwo u deal with this motherfucker on your squad
m0e chicken fucking coop
m0e abe wtf are you doing
m0e 3B
freakazoid fuck you im going to bed
freak 96 dmg zeus
fazed wtf
dazed wtf1
dazed wtf was that
Dazed where am i playing
dazed what more can i do 2
dazed what more can i do 1
Dazed what am i suppsoed to do
dazed what am i supposed to do
dazed what am i supposed to do (2)
Dazed unbelieveable
Dazed twice
Dazed so many times
dazed so emo 1
dazed ridiculous
dazed ridiculous 2
dazed omg
dazed omfg
dazed oh my fucking god
Dazed moe's a moron
dazed manager 3
dazed manager 2
Dazed manager 1
dazed its happening again
dazed insane
dazed insane 3
Dazed insane 2
Dazed insane 1
dazed how fucking stoned
dazed how fucking high
Dazed how do we lose that
dazed how am i supposed to win
dazed honestly dont understand
dazed god you guys are so fucking dumb
Dazed glocks 14
Dazed glocks 13
Dazed glocks 12
Dazed glocks 11
Dazed glocks 10
Dazed glocks 9
Dazed glocks 8
Dazed glocks 7
Dazed glocks 5
Dazed glocks 4
Dazed glocks 3
Dazed glocks 2
Dazed glocks 1
Dazed gay 4
Dazed gay 3
Dazed gay 2
Dazed gay 1
dazed fucking retarded
Dazed four 4
Dazed four 3
Dazed four 2
Dazed four 1
dazed emo 2
dazed dont understand
dazed doesnt even try
dazed did anybody just see that
Dazed coach
Dazed annoying