Nelson Mandela audio
Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Mandela has been at the center of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world.
by Eve Dy - 14 tracks
Soweto uprising prt 1
Soweto uprising prt 2
Soweto uprising prt 3
Anti-poverty movement
Nobel peace prize
Robben Island prt 1
Robben Island prt 2
Robben Island prt 3
The Birth of Apartheid prt 1
The Birth of Apartheid prt 2
The Birth of Apartheid prt 3
The Underground Movement prt 1
The Underground Movement prt 2
The Underground Movement prt 3

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Boards form Eve Dy
Nelson Mandela is one of the great moral and political leaders of our time: an international hero whose lifelong dedication to the fight against racial oppression in South Africa won him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency of his country. Mandela has been at the center of the most compelling and inspiring political drama in the world.
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